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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News on the CW 44  CW  October 15, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT

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right now, the two lanes will be moving past that accident. we'll keep you posted. some of the traffic no doubt. happy giant fans. taking game two of the nlcs, leveling up the series at a game a piece. cbs5 sports director is live at at&t with the highlights tonight. dennis? >> reporter: yeah, thank you. last night they gave up six runs in the defeat for the giants. but tonight, very strong, just one run in seven innings. but the help of the giant's infielder is in question tonight. we'll show you what happened. it was scoreless in the second. going hard into second base trying to break up a double play. it took him a minute to get up. but for the time being he was okay, getting pay back later on. three-run score. giants score 4 in the inning winning 7 p--- 7-1. the series
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is now even. he's have an mri tomorrow. we have some very interesting reaction from both the cardinal's clubhouse and the giant's clubhouse coming up on the help of the giant second baseman. right now we'll go back to the studios. >> all right, thank you for that. the calendar for the rest of the series looks like this. the giants head to st. louis for games three, four, and five. then they are back here if need be for game six and/or game seven. that'll happen next sunday and monday. while the giants are looking ahead for the world series, the 49er's stadium owners are thinking super bowl. san francisco is reportedly putting in a bid to host the championship in 2016 or 2017. a decision on whether the new $1.2 billion stadium is in the running could come any day now. now hosting would mean hundreds of millions of dollars for santa clara and san francisco. in the meantime the golden state warriors are showing off
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what they hope will be their future home. the new arena in san francisco shows a 740,000 square foot venue at the ends of pier 30 and 32. it will seat more than 17,000 fans. construction is expected to be completed by 2017. a night at a strip club might have cost the public $4,500. and it was a port of oakland official who ran up that tab as cbs5 reporter tells us that he now has a lot of explaning to do. >> reporter: a party at an upscale texas strip club. paid for with public money. the man at the center of the allegations, the port of oakland director. receipts show back in 2008 that he blew $4,500 in one night at treasures, a houston nightclub. he left the port of public agency to put the bill, an
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embarrassing expense listed under the corporate name. port officials never even noticed until now. >> we take this matter very seriously. >> reporter: at a special public meeting tonight, the board voted to appoint outside legal council to help investigate kwon and any other shady expenditures. >> we have a term that is absolutely necessary to have independent outside legalcounsel investigate this matter. they now conduct yearly audits. other expenses may have slipped through the cracks that the port has yet to uncover. >> everyone will be held accountable who has been guilty of anything, improper or inappropriate. >> reporter: now kwon is out of the country at the moment, though he's aware that he is under investigation. it's unclear whether he could lose his job. the port will talk about this case again on october 18. live in oakland, cbs5. oakland's s.w.a.t.
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team comes up empty handed after a four-hour standoff. they were looking for murder suspect geoffrey jackson, wanted for killing a 24-year- old man, savage. grandson of emeryville's first african mayor. around 3:30 today, s.w.a.t. teams stormed the house on southeast 21st street. investigators suspected that jackson was hiding there. the house turned out to be empty. earlier today a 21-year-old man became oakland's 100th homicide of the year. he was shot to death about 1:00 a.m. on hilton street in the city's melrose district. this is the fourth time since 2008 that the city has seen more than 100 homicides. four this year have been deemed justifiable homicides, including a fatal police shooting. his alleged crimes have made him legendary. but tonight a morin county teenager is headed to trial for stealing a celebrity chef's
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lambo. ann notarangelo has more on why he's facing even more serious charges. >> today has nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of my client. >> reporter: his attorney admits he's a bit disappointed that his client's case is moving towards trial. he says that the young man is holding up. >> it's an extraordinarily amount of pressure to be on an 18-year-old. most 18-year-olds are, you know, thinking about where they are going to eat lunch. >> reporter: he's accused of shooting into a pickup truck last spring while two other teens ducked for cover. the prosecution claimed that he was jealous of their relationship. the defense says that's not been proven. but the media coverage has focused with a big role in the march 2011 car heist at a san francisco dealership. it involved the tv chef gy feri's yellow lambo similar to this one. since the attempted murder charges that could send his
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client to prison for life. >> if this was a '94 honda accord and it wasn't a tv chef, then no one would care. >> reporter: today, he was nothing like the mythical persona celebrated in this rap song. sitting casually, handcuffed, looking straight ahead. his attorney says there will be plenty to say as the case goes forward. >> there were some real important revelations as far as the san francisco police officer talking about that this was not a one-person job. there has been no investigation. >> reporter: wade's attorney says don't expect this to be a made for tv movie. in fact, parts of this case will be quite dull. he also let us know that he plans on filing a motion to dismiss the case based on a lack of evidence. ann notarangelo, cbs5. checking bay area headlines now. sheriff deputies are looking for the killer of a couple near pittsburgh. the bodies were found inside a
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car on buchanan road last night. both had been shot. late today they were identified as 24-year-old christopher zinn and 21-year-old brianna dowel, both from san francisco. prosecutors in the trial of the woman accused of killing michelle le say that the defendant stocked her alleged victim online. an fbi computer expert testified that she searched the student's name three times and searched for ways to follow people without being noticed. le disappeared in may of last year. her body was found four months later. and a memorial service will be held tomorrow in san francisco for murdered u.s. ambassador chris stevens. the berkeley graduate was killed in the attack on the u.s. consulate. and the senator as well as libya's ambassador to the united states will attend the service at the city hall. and that service will be open to the public. on to campaign 2012
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tonight, tomorrow night president barack obama and former governor mitt romney will go head to head in the second of their three televised election debates. this time in a town hall-type discussion with voters. elizabeth cook takes a look at how both men are preparing. liz? >> reporter: well ken, a debate prep has been more like a conclusion for president barack obama and mitt romney, staying behind closed doors as they prepare for tomorrow night's debate. after joking that his debate prep was a, "drag." president obama showed supporters at a campaign office in a weekend of virginia that he is hitting the books. john kerry is standing in for romney. the president's team vowed that they would up their performance after the first time around. >> i think he'll be aggressive in making the case for his view of where we should go as a
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country. >> mitt romney was only seen briefly during his preparations, heading in and out of church yesterday. the ohio senator says that the romney campaign is getting ready to rumble. >> i think president obama will come out swinging. he'll have to compensate for a poor first debate. and that will be consistent with what they have been doing in this whole campaign. >> now, one thing the candidates do agree on is the moderator. now according to time magazine, both campaigns complained to the commission about the presidential debate that the cnn broke the rule after letting the audience ask the question. both parties want to ensure that she plays a more limited role. cbs5 will have special live coverage of tomorrow night's debate beginning right here at 6:00. governor romney's plan to lower taxes is getting a lot of scrutiny by the obama campaign. here is a look at some of the numbers. >> reporter: romney's plans
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start by lowering tax rates 20% for everyone. it's a major tax cut that the non-partisan tax policy center said that they will cost the federal budget $480 billion a year. roughly $5 trillion over ten years. but romney and running mate paul ryan say they will offset those costs by reducing tax reductions. they won't say which ones. that's to be worked out with congress. but they promise that they will only target the rich. >> deny those loopholes to higher income taxpayers so that more of their income is taxed, which has a broader base of the taxation. >> am i rambling? >> reporter: in theory there is plenty of money to be found in tax deductions. $1.1 trillion a year, but the most valuable deductions, they don't just benefit the rich. the tax-free benefits that workers received when they pay for health insurance, the tax deduction for mortgage interest and the tax-free payments that
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workers use to their 401k program. all used by middle-class families and all politically popular. >> the details. >> reporter: the president of the nonpartisan committee for a responsible federal budget says that until romney releases more details, it's not clear if he could pay for the tax cut. >> the question is can you do it without going into the middle class at all? that's the big question that the governor has claimed, but we have not seen the numbers either way to know for sure if it is doable. >> reporter: now this question of doable has become central to both campaigns. >> it's not mathematically possible. >> it is mathematically possible. >> reporter: romney's own argument that it is possible comes with two assumptions. one that the lower tax rates themselves will lead to jobs to more people paying taxes and then to a lower deficit. and two, a deal to cut into these popular tax deductions that could be reached with a divided congress. elizabeth cook, cbs5. another giant leap for
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mankind. the sky dive from inner space and what the daredevil plans to do next. >> yes, it was a scary rescue. >> risky business for animal rescue. why it's the bad time of the year and how you can help protect the deer. discount shopping in one of the most exclusive zip codes. where the 99 cent store wants to open up a store.
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an f-a-a spokesman says a se we have developing news tonight on a missing plane. an faa spokesman says that the single engine arrow pro like
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this one left half moon bay's airport this morning bound for tucson and it has not been seen since. the pilot's wife says that he was to stop and refuel in apple valley, which is of san bernardino, but he never got there. no word yet on whether or not a search has been launched. shuttle endeavour is settling into its new digs tonight. the 12-mile journey through the streets of los angeles at times hazardous to its new home at the california science center took most of the weekend zigzagging their way through tight corridors and under hundreds of power lines by many trees. arriving 16 hours late, but endeavour didn't suffer a scratch. its final mission accomplished. and another space mission accomplished. an austiran man plunged 24 miles up. breaking the record for the highest free fall and the sound barrier in the process. he says that he hopes to train
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the next daredevil to break his record. it's that time of the year again. male deer are out looking for mates. apparently they're not paying attention to much else. cbs5 reporter on the unusual places where bucks are in a rut. >> reporter: it is deer mating season and bad things can happen on the hunt for romance. >> looking for love and getting in trouble. [ laughter ] >> reporter: yes, bucks are getting stuck. the non-profit wild rescue shot this video over the weekend of an entanglement. the confused deer wondered into a soccer net. >> yes, it was a pretty gnarlly rescue. we don't like dealing with deer. >> reporter: you think that once the deer are cut free and released that they would be okay. not the case. all that stress can kill them. it is called capture myopothy.
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>> it could have a heart attack or fighting so hard and so long against the netting or against us trying to get it out of whatever predicament it is in that it could die weeks later from that trauma. >> reporter: wild rescue are asking homeowners to pack away soccer and softball nets, hammics, and swing sets. they got three reports of entanglement this week. >> it's still a life and that's something sacred to everybody. >> reporter: that deer was so exhausted that he rested before taking off. it's unknown if he survived. so do a young buck a favor and clean up your yard. because looking for love is hard enough as it is. cbs5. big designer stores in beverly hills could soon see new competition. it's a store that takes pride in its not-so-hefty price tags. joy benedict on the change that
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could change the value of popular rodeo drive. >> reporter: it's an iconic street with a fancy name. but what if they had a new neighbor, one with a cheaper price tag? 99 cents. >> it's good competition for beverly hills. >> reporter: they drive from beverly hills to go to this 99 cent only store on wilshire. >> they want to add their thrifty price tags to rodeo drive. >> our money is as good as anyone else's. >> they are actively looking for real estate on rodeo, that their closest store on the beverly hills line does $12 million in business every year, the highest in the chain. >> if you go to that store, you'll see fancy cars in the parking lot, even a rolls royce. we need a store in beverly hills. >> it's one thing and something else. >> i think that it might deval rodeo a little bit.
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-- devalue rodeo a little bit. >> people are just window shopping now. >> i take pictures outside of it because i cannot afford it inside. >> reporter: even though they need to sell a million wine glasses or cans of soup to pay the rent each and every year that folks at the 99 cent store say it wouldn't be just about profit if they were here. >> it would be like marketing. so you can almost justify some of the cost as a marketing expense. >> reporter: that they would make it their flagship store, a fancy gimmick. but still everything would be 99 cents. although the locals aren't sold, the tourists say they would buy for only touristy reason. >> reporter: 99 cents is just an idea right now for the retailers and a dream for shoppers. but who knows, maybe the affordable price tag and simple name would end up fitting in just fine. >> and that was joy benedict reporting. the discount chain's ceo says that many celebrities have been
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spotted shopping at its stores. only about two weeks away from halloween and the 90s are coming back. find out when next.
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thanks, paul. all right, here we go. warmer weather will be coming up for you this week. a whole different ball game. here's a peek outside. mainly clear skies. temperatures are running well above what will be expected for you at this time of the year as we're looking at temperatures in the mid-60s right now in san francisco. 65 still. down to 69. oakland at 67. the warm spot for you right now at 72 degrees. it's kind of interesting that we have been running well below normal for the past six weeks. anywhere from two to three and a half degrees cooler than normal. making a big -- a bit of a comeback. a lot of weather going on at the pacific northwest with the low pressure sliding there. this same low pressure area will head towards st. louis and possibly impact the baseball
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games. games three, four, five. it will be building to our north on wednesday and thursday giving us the offshore wednesday. even in october that could get us toasty. those of you watching in the inland locations will get into the 90s coming up on wednesday and thursday. a lot of sunshine for everybody this week. cooler weather will be on shore returning for the weekend. for tomorrow, 80. that's four degrees above average. the high tomorrow, 79 degrees with a lot of sunshine for you at pleasant hill, 86. san rafael just gorgeous. downtown san francisco up to a high of 72 degrees. toasty 90s inland, coming up o on -- coming up on wednesday and thursday. the weekend looks nice. sports is next.
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with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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on gasoline. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates appeal award two years in a row. ♪
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wow. they did it. >> yeah, they did. a lot of people were doubting that after last night's game. but you know after tonight's monster comeback by the giants. they will be facing game two. san francisco is looking to tie the series at one. dennis o'donnell standing by right now at at&t park with the highlights. dennis? >> reporter: that's right, ken and dana. the giants had no home cooking at all. just 0-3 coming in to play tonight as you mentioned down one game to none as they needed a big commanding performance, which they got that in game two. here is how it came down. singing the national anthem with the grateful dead.
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the top of the first they would rather turn here to take out the second base. but he stayed in the game after looking hurt. they needed to wait long. angel pagan with a great start for the giants leading 1-0. now, up in the bottom of the 4th inning, 2-1 giants, singling with the bases loaded. clearing up the bases. 5-1 giants as they won 7-1 tying up the series at one game a piece. now, they were contrasting opinions about the aggressive slide after the game. >> i'm a big guy. once i got going, i wished we wouldn't have to land on that as you're trying to slide on the play to keep it from making a big play. >> they were not to hurt them. it was definitely late. >> reporter: he eventually left that game and he went to the hospital. he'll have an mri tomorrow.
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the status for game three is unknown. but again a big win for the giants, tying up the series, guys? >> all right. he's absolutely crucial for them to do well. i hope he gets back. >> we'll see you at 11:00 on cbs5. ,,,,
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